Be alert, watchful and prayerful!

“Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. HEAVEN AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY: BUT MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. TAKE YE HEED, WATCH and PRAY: for ye know not when the time is. … And what I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH.” 13:30-33,37

As the Lord Jesus was concluding His very important teaching about the end of age He emphasized these words of warning to His disciples: take heed- be alert, be on guard like a soldier, watchful- give strict attention to, be vigilant, keep awake, like a watchman and prayerful- maintain communion and connection with the Lord in the Spirit!

These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus over two thousand years ago now, and believers in Christ all the ages lived in readiness and expectation of its fulfilment in their time like also in 1Thes.4:13-18.

How much more we who are living in this 21st century as we see clearly in our eyes the things the Lord spoke (Read the whole of Mark 13) happening today, should we be on guard, alert and watchful and prayerful! This is also connected very much with our church’s theme this year: Transformation and Readiness- being like Jesus in our character from inside out and ready, prepared for His coming as His holy brides (Rev.19:6-9), and also being about God’s work-to win souls for Christ and help them become disciples and also brides of Christ.

I believe our generation is the one seeing clearly all these things that will precede Christ’s coming fulfilled with the political, economic, wars and threats of wars…etc, happening in the world. They should not make us afraid but rather hold unto the Lord Jesus and His word-‘heaven and earth shall pass away but My words shall not pass away’! His words both in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible are all applicable as they are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

His words of protecting us His own, providing for His own, giving us victories over the enemy, healing our diseases…, and judging the world and the wicked and the end of the wicked in hell, as well as heaven for the righteous will surely be fulfilled! John 14:1-3.


  1. Do not be afraid no matter what you see happening! 2Tim.1:7
  2. Hold strongly faith unto God’s word and His promises- Joshua 1:8-9; Col.3:17; Heb.10:35-39!
  3. Maintain strong prayer life- pray without ceasing, be in tune and communion with the Lord in the Spirit-1Thes 5:17-18; Eph.6:18!
  4. Connect regularly with God’s people-true believers in fellowship-Heb.10:24-25.
  5. Maintain holy and righteous life- Heb.12:14;2Peter 3:11,14; Revelations 19:7-8.
  6. Be ready always to share with someone the gospel and hope we have in Christ Jesus. 1Peter 3:15; Eph.6:15.

May these truths guide our lives and help us to be alert and alive in the Spirit and watchful unto the Lord’s coming! Maranatha, the Lord cometh! Amen!

Have a blessed, victorious and fruitful week and daily life in Christ Jesus!

Pastor Raymond Adonai

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